Carenado shares new images of the upcoming Cessna 170B for MSFS

Carenado has recently revealed a new upcoming airplane for Flight Simulator, the Cessna 170B. The developers have been very active, with a continuous stream of releases that aren’t looking to stop anytime soon, and with the latest images of the C170B that the team shared on social media, we are looking at an airplane that should be out very soon!

The Cessna 170B is a taildragger that precedes the legendary 172, and it’s still seen today in many parts of the world. Carenado’s latest images are absolutely gorgeous, particularly when it comes to the interior, where the C170B shines with a striking retro design that looks extremely cool! Besides the daylight interior shots, we also get to see the 170’s night lighting in a couple of different scenarios.

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 10

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 9

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 8

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 6

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 5

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 4

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 3

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 2

Carenado Cessna 170B MSFS 1

On the outside, the 170 also presents itself in a sleek taildragger configuration. Bush pilots will be happy to see the possibility of having tundra tires installed, besides the standard, smaller ones. Something everyone will certainly enjoy seeing is the detailed model and textures, all looking very realistic, as we would expect from Carenado.

Carenado seems ready to release its newest creation and we are very much ready to sit on that gorgeous cockpit and go for some backcountry adventures. Stay tuned for further updates, we will let you know once the C170B is out as soon a possible!