Synaptic Simulations A220 for MSFS: avionics development update

Synaptic Simulations is back with a new status update on its A22X project for Microsoft Flight Simulator. This undertaking, which initially started as a freeware endeavor and transitioned into a payware project earlier this year with iniBuilds’ backing, has been the source of much interest and speculation, with many hoping to see a high-fidelity simulation of one of the world’s most modern airliners.

Continuing the momentum from the previous announcement in January, Synaptic Simulations released a new update this week that provides an in-depth look at the advancements in the aircraft’s avionic systems. Three key points mentioned in the update showcase the team’s progress in the avionics department: the interactive checklists, a new CPDLC system, and a new way to graphically edit flight plans.

After a brief introduction, the video focuses on the interactive checklist system that mirrors real-world operations. Mike, the lead avionics developer at Synaptic, showcased how the multi-function display window now features interactive checklists modeled directly after real-world procedures used by pilots.

These checklists dynamically update based on the aircraft’s current state, enhancing the pilot’s situational awareness and operational accuracy. For instance, checklist items can automatically turn green, indicating completion as the relevant systems and settings are adjusted in the aircraft.

Furthermore, he introduces the preliminary implementation of a new Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) system, which is being developed in collaboration with major networks and other aircraft developers. This new CPDLC promises a more realistic and practical implementation that aligns with current ICAO standards.

Additionally, the update covers the A220’s intuitive graphical flight planning capabilities, which allow pilots to manually adjust flight routes directly from the cockpit. This offers great flexibility and interactivity, enabling pilots to customize their flight paths with ease and precision.

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Looking ahead, Synaptic Simulations has announced that a comprehensive development stream is set for mid-2024, which promises to cover all aspects of the Airbus A220 project. This forthcoming stream is anticipated to offer the community a fresh look into the detailed processes behind the aircraft’s creation, from avionics to aesthetics, while also providing further insights into the later stages of development and a clearer outline of the release timeline.

Things are looking promising for the Synaptic A22X. Let’s see what the rest of the year brings for this project. As always, we’ll keep you posted!