BeyondATC’s pricing strategy revealed, no subscription required

BeyondATC has generated enormous interest within the MSFS community with its promise to revolutionize in-sim ATC through its groundbreaking AI-powered technology. The software, which has been previewed several times already, appears very promising and is nearing release. A crucial piece of information that remained undisclosed was the pricing strategy, but we now have all the details!

Aware of the regular running costs associated with using AI, there were concerns that BeyondATC might adopt a pricing strategy similar to that of, which is quite expensive for users. However, BeyondATC has opted for a different approach that could be both more affordable for some and, for those seeking the ultimate experience, potentially more expensive.

The key aspect of BeyondATC’s announced pricing strategy is its core service, offered at a one-time fee of $59.99. This “Base Package” provides lifetime access to the platform for its purchasers, including all current functionalities and any future enhancements. It resorts to BeyondATC’s custom AI and operates with an Offline Voice Model, eliminating the need for sourcing higher quality voices online.

This initial purchase also includes an allocation of 3,750,000 units of Transmission Time, necessary for accessing BeyondATC’s voice services, and 6,250 units of the Premium Voice Model at no additional cost, showcasing the highest quality voice outputs available.

BeyondATC’s Offline Voice Model allows for local voice generation using a custom AI engine, a feature that does not consume Transmission Time and offers an economical alternative for users. The Basic Voice Model and Premium Voice Model offer over 100 and 250 voice types, respectively, with the latter requiring more Transmission Time due to its superior quality and extensive accent range.

Furthermore, BeyondATC will offer additional Transmission Time Packs, available in small, medium, and large sizes, priced at $4.99, $9.99, and $19.99, respectively. These packs provide incremental increases in Transmission Time, from 500,000 units in the small pack to 3,300,000 units in the large pack.

Detailed in a FAQ section, BeyondATC’s pricing strategy addresses common questions and clarifies how the service operates. Key points include the non-subscription nature of the service, reassuring users that the initial purchase and any additional Transmission Time Packs are one-time costs without recurring fees. Moreover, BeyondATC emphasizes the customization options available, allowing users to tailor the voice models for traffic and controllers to their preferences.

So, there you have it. BeyondATC can either be a straightforward solution where you pay a one-time fee and enjoy a less-rich, offline-based product, or you can opt for premium traffic and controller voices, which may see fees increase dramatically, potentially reaching around $5 per flight based on BeyondATC’s Transmission Time estimates.

What do you think of this pricing strategy? Let us know in the comments below!