, the Revolutionary AI-Powered ATC, is launching for MSFS on January 15th

2024 is set to begin with some exciting developments for Microsoft Flight Simulator users. There’s a very promising new ATC solution coming to the platform, one that harnesses the power of AI to provide a significant leap in the way virtual pilots interact with air traffic control. It’s and is now slated for release on January 15th!

If you’re a regular reader, ‘’ should be no secret to you. We’ve been anticipating its release in ‘early 2024,’ as projected by Brian, a co-founder of the project. Today’s announcement is very welcome news, with only two weeks left to see what all the fuss is about!

“We’ve embarked on a thrilling journey with our project,” said Brian in the announcement. The team’s ambition was not just to create a comprehensive ATC system but to make it “undeniably more enjoyable to use than flying solo.” This vision is now on the cusp of becoming a reality.

This latest announcement also comes with some very cool updates regarding the product’s features:

  • Full support for Class-B, C, and D airspaces;
  • Services including flight followings, radar services, traffic advisories, and more;
  • Coverage of every airport in the USA;
  • Custom voices and controller personalities

ATC can be a daunting aspect for entry-level simmers, often overwhelmed by the complexity of the language and procedures. aims to simplify this introduction to ATC, offering a more forgiving and non-judgmental approach. Specifically, its ‘Student Pilot’ mode, designed with new flight simulation enthusiasts in mind, provides extra guidance and patience from controllers.

The developer candidly admits that while the product is a marvel, it is “not flawless.” However, he assures that its current state is “highly immersive and stress-free,” with ongoing efforts to refine the remaining aspects.

The thing is, while may look like a fantastic new addition to the simulator, the costs associated with the product may keep many simmers away. Pricing is yet to be defined, but there’s no other way around it: using AI is still expensive.

“Our goal is to make this incredible technology accessible,” Brian stated, indicating a price range of $15 to $25 per month. The team also plans to offer a free trial area, likely around Lake Tahoe/Reno, Nevada, to allow users to experience the product before committing. has great ambitions, and we will soon find out if the end result lives up to the expectations. Say tuned for more details as the release date approaches!