Aeroplane Heaven’s Hawker Hurricane set for imminent release on Microsoft Flight Simulator

The wait is almost over for fans of the Hawker Hurricane! Aeroplane Heaven has just teased the imminent launch on Microsoft Flight Simulator of the highly anticipated rendition of the historic WWII fighter. After missing its initial projected release late last year, it now appears that the legendary warbird is finally ready to make its debut “very soon.”

In a recent update shared on their Facebook page, Aeroplane Heaven ignited excitement among the MSFS community by posting an image with the words “Out Soon.” This teaser was accompanied by a video showcasing the realistic flyby sounds of the aircraft, where we can hear the always awesome sound of that Merlin engine, courtesy of Echo 19 in this simulation.

Aeroplane Heaven.Hawker Hurricane MSFS 2

Originally announced in November 2023, the Hawker Hurricane project was aimed to be launched before Christmas. Although this timeline has shifted, the new teaser suggests that the project is well on its way to completion.

Aeroplane Heaven had previously released the Hurricane to older platforms such as FSX and P3D. This upcoming MSFS version promises to deliver an even more refined experience overall, capturing the essence of one of World War II’s most celebrated aircraft.

The Hawker Hurricane is famous for its crucial role during the Battle of Britain, where its durability and effectiveness were fundamental in the Allied war effort. Designed with a blend of traditional and modern techniques, the aircraft features a fabric-covered fuselage and, in its early models, a wooden propeller, all underpinned by a sturdy metal frame.

There’s not much else in terms of product features or additional information, but Aeroplane Heaven’s previous work on aircraft such as the Spitfire and the P-51 should be a good reference for what to expect.

Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to add another piece of aviation history to your digital hangar very soon!