FeelThere releases Lisbon Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator

FeelThere has released their rendition of Lisbon Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator (LPPT). This is the largest airport in Portugal and a pivotal hub in Southern Europe, with significant connections to Africa and South America, where TAP Air Portugal plays a crucial role. LPPT is currently in the spotlight due to ongoing discussions about its future and the potential for a replacement.

This new scenery from FeelThere offers a comprehensive representation of Lisbon Airport, featuring over 100 custom buildings, each treated with PBR textures. The attention to detail includes features such as parallax 3D rooms, which add depth and realism to the structures, offering a peek inside one of Europe’s busiest airports.

The custom ground modeling is also noteworthy, featuring realistic ground polygons with detailed decals, wear and tear, and accurately represented taxi lines and surfaces.

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Key operational features include a functioning taxiway bridge, animated glass jetways, and an active radar tower. The scenery also boasts custom animated lighting systems, including advanced taxiway and runway approach lights, alongside hand-placed taxi lights that enhance nighttime operations.

FeelThere faces strong competition at this airport as MK Studios has a well-established presence with its detailed scenery, which is due for a V2 update this year that will bring some noticeable improvements.

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Lisbon Airport is nearing the potential end of its operational life, with discussions about building a new facility intensifying. The real-world airport has long been at the center of debates regarding its adequacy to handle increasing passenger numbers and air traffic demands. The location of a new airport is currently a hot topic in Portugal and aims to finally address these challenges.

FeelThere’s LPPT Lisbon Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator is available now, priced at around €20.00 via simMarket and Aerosoft.


  • Over 100 highly detailed buildings with PBR texturing, some with parallax 3D rooms.
  • Partial internal terminal model with parallax texturing.
  • Complete modelled ground polygon including realistic decals, dirt, taxi lines and surfaces.
  • Modelled and functioning taxiway bridge.
  • Airport uses real world elevation and runway slope.
  • Custom animated glass jetways.
  • Animated radar tower.
  • Airline parking codes and modified airport services.
  • Updated AFCAD, parking spots, and taxiway names.
  • Custom modelled taxi signs with lighting.
  • Improved taxiway and runway approach lighting, including hand placed taxi lights.
  • Multiple objects and clutter placed over the airport using the SDK and custom objects.
  • Improved night lighting and apron lamps.
  • GSX compatible (Not compatible with Microsoft Marketplace installs or on Xbox).

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