Carenado breaks Marketplace exclusivity, releases the Mooney in its own store

In a surprising move, Carenado has announced today the release of the Mooney M20R for Microsoft Flight Simulator through its own online store. This marks a significant departure from the developer’s usual practice, as all previous releases have been exclusively through the MSFS Marketplace.

Some users have previously expressed discontent with Carenado’s exclusive use of the Marketplace, citing various issues with the in-sim platform, such as slow updates. For these users, the news of the M20R’s availability outside of the Marketplace is a welcome change that likely prepares for a shakeup in the developer’s distribution model in the coming months.

The decision to release the M20R outside of the Marketplace raises questions about Carenado’s future plans. Will the company continue to release their other products on their own store? If so, will this include only older models, or can we expect to see new releases as well?

Carenado Mooney M20R MSFS 2

Carenado has yet to provide a clear answer to these questions. However, this move could potentially signal a shift in the company’s distribution strategy. By offering their products directly to consumers, Carenado could be looking to gain more control over their sales and customer relationships. This could also provide users with more purchasing options, which could enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

On the other hand, this decision could also be a one-off event, specific to the M20R. It’s possible that Carenado is testing the waters to gauge user response before making any further changes to their distribution model.

The Mooney M20R, initially launched for MSFS back in 2020, is now available for purchase directly from Carenado’s website, maintaining the same price: $19.99.

For those unfamiliar with the M20R Ovation, it’s a sportier general aviation aircraft introduced by Mooney in 1994. It boasts a 190 knot top speed and a ceiling of 20,000 feet, thanks to a Continental IO-550-G engine with 280 horsepower. The aircraft is known for its clean and fast design, retractable landing gear, and docile handling characteristics.

Carenado Mooney M20R MSFS 1

Carenado Mooney M20R MSFS 4

Carenado Mooney M20R MSFS 5


  • Default GNS530.
  • Custom KFC 150 autopilot.
  • Custom KX165 NAV2/COM2.
  • Custom KR87 ADF.
  • Custom BK KT76C transponder.
  • Custom BK KN64 DME.
  • GTN750 integration option (GTN750 from
  • GTN750Xi integration option (GTN750Xi from
  • Engine and wind sound effects when opening doors and windows.
  • Custom airbrakes sound when deployed.
  • Original HQ digital stereo sounds recorded directly from the real aircraft (engine, knobs, switches, buttons and different elements).
  • Realistic flight dynamics compared to the real airplane. Realistic weight and balance. Tested by several pilots for maximum accuracy.
  • Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials and textures.
  • PBR materials authored with industry-standard software used by the film and gaming industries.
  • Tablet interface for controlling static elements, pilots, opening doors, etc.; and starting options such as cold and dark and ready to taxi.