Orbx and Simpunk bring the revolutionary Lift Aircraft Hexa to Microsoft Flight Simulator

Orbx and developer Simpunk have teamed up to launch a groundbreaking new addition to Microsoft Flight Simulator: the Lift Aircraft Hexa VTOL Drone. It’s a unique new type of aircraft that the manufacturer says anyone can fly, and now launches in MSFS with the promise to deliver a fresh and thrilling flight experience to simmers.

The Hexa is a real-world aircraft and is designed with cutting-edge technology, featuring distributed electric propulsion through eighteen independent electric motors, each paired with its own propeller. This setup not only ensures a stable and controlled flight but also allows for silent operation and minimal environmental impact.

Its unique ability to land on both land and water surfaces is facilitated by six perimeter floats, which provide buoyancy and stability, and a central float filled with energy-absorbing foam for enhanced safety during landings.

Orbx Lift Aircraft Hexa Drone MSFS 3

Orbx Lift Aircraft Hexa Drone MSFS 5

Orbx Lift Aircraft Hexa Drone MSFS 2

Orbx Lift Aircraft Hexa Drone MSFS 1

Constructed from ultra-light carbon fiber, the Hexa maintains high durability without compromising agility, making it an ideal choice for both novice flyers and experienced pilots. The entire structure weighs just 432 pounds (approximately 196 kg), classifying it under the FAA’s Powered Ultralight category, which notably does not require a pilot’s license for operation.

Among the standout features of this rendition of the Hexa for Microsoft Flight Simulator are its custom fly-by-wire flight system and accurate flight dynamics, developed from scratch by Simpunk. The aircraft also features high-resolution textures that replicate the look and feel of real carbon fiber.

The automated systems in the Hexa mean that pilots can manage their flight with a simple 3-axis joystick, and benefit from automatic take-off and landing capabilities.

The Hexa’s immersive experience is further amplified by realistic sound designs, custom instrumentation, and VR compatibility.

This release is certainly unique and likely to captivate simmers looking to try something new. The Hexa bears a resemblance to the Volocopter, which debuted in MSFS in 2021, but it is noticeably smaller and more oriented towards recreational use rather than personal transport. It looks to be an excellent aircraft for exploring the scenery in MSFS!

The Hexa is now available for download and can be purchased through Orbx, priced at just over $20 USD.