Sim Skunk Works teases its Lockheed F-104G Starfighter for MSFS

Sim Skunk Works revealed their plans to bring the iconic Lockheed Starfighter to MSFS earlier this year, after the acclaimed release of the FIAT Aeritalia G-91. Now, the developers are slowly starting to unwrap their new creation, with some new images and even a video from inside the cockpit.

Sim Skunk Works used its Facebook page to share new shots of the exterior model, showcasing how the metallic finish of the Starfighther looks in different conditions. The team says that extensive testing is necessary to make sure that the aircraft looks as it should, even for experienced developers such as themselves.

These new images come shortly after the release of the first video showing the Starfighter in action inside Microsoft Flight Simulator. From a static perspective from the pilot’s seat, we get a good view over the instruments and, more specifically, over the NASARR F15G radar in ground mode. Two separate towns can clearly be distinguished on the radar. It’s definitely a very cool feature, something unique that we haven’t seen in MSFS before.

Lockheed Starfighter MSFS 7

Lockheed Starfighter MSFS 6

Lockheed Starfighter MSFS 5

Lockheed Starfighter MSFS 4

Lockheed Starfighter MSFS 2

Lockheed Starfighter MSFS 1

While all of this is still work-in-progress, it’s great to see this aircraft coming to life in Flight Simulator. The Starfighter became infamous for its propensity to kill its pilots… in Germany alone, more than 100 died flying the F-104, so it’s safe to say that the virtual model Sim Skunk Works is bringing to MSFS will surely make many people happy.

As for a release date, we have nothing yet. Hopefully this year? Time will tell, but is starting to look like one of the coolest upcoming airplanes for Flight Simulator. Stay tuned for more!